While we have exceptional in-house capabilities and depth regarding machine design services, sometimes design services are not required. If you have a legacy machine that you need a duplicate of, or have completed the design work in-house, A&A can fabricate and assemble nearly any type of machine from your existing design. Our automation “job shop” is highly experienced at producing “one off” designs, from machining the details to fabrication to assembly and start-up. Additionally, we can design and integrate controls for your build to print machine or work from your control designs.
Think of A&A for each and every facet of your automation project. We can participate in any phase.
Examples of Custom Turnkey Systems we've engineered and built:
Flush and Test Systems
Sub-Assembly IPV Systems
Large Part Manipulators
Custom Bearing Presses
Assembly Systems
Injection Molded Cap Closing Machines
Custom Leak Test Systems
Large Part Upenders
Track Coiling Machines
Shim Offset Measuring Machines
End of Arm Tooling
Custom Offset Drive Torque Tools
Robotic Part Handling
Index Dial Systems
Walking Beam Systems
Automotive Parts Assembly and Test
Appliance Part Assembly Machines
Part Staking and Riveting Machines
Custom Part Spin Welding Systems
Control Systems